Across the top of almost every keyboard lies a series ofkeys beginning with F. F1 through F12 and they are known as function keys. Canyou believe that they’ve been around since 1965? They were introduced as keysthat could be changed to do whatever you want. Keys that can be programmed arealso known as soft keys.
They’re still soft keys today. Operating systems (OS) andprograms can tie into them so that the keys will initiate specificfunctions. Over the years, though, softwaredevelopers have unofficially standardized them. Because of this, the functionskeys will often do the same thing, regardless of what operating system orprogram you are using. Not always, but often.
Table of Contents
Let’s look at what each function key does in Windows.
The F1 Key – Help is on the Way
Anytime you have a question or a problem with the programyou’re in, your first step should be to press the F1 key. It is universally thekey that will bring up the help menu or open the support website for the OS orprogram you are using.
In some cases, the F1 key will get you context-sensitivehelp. That is, help that is very specific to what you are doing at the time. Let’ssay you were working with an image in a program and trying to change the color.If the program has context-sensitive help, it would show you information aboutcolor changing when you pressed F1.
On some computers, the F1 key can be used to access the BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) set-up when starting a computer, but before the OSloads.
The F2 Key – The Name Changer
For most items in Windows, like files, folders, or desktopicons, pressing the F2 key allows you to rename the item. Simple click-once onthe item to select it, tap F2 and you’ll see the name becomes editable, editthe name and tap Enter to commit the change. This method is blindingly fasterthan trying to right-click on the item with your mouse, selecting Rename, andrenaming it.
In Microsoft Office Excel, tapping F2 allows you to edit theactive cell more easily than going the mouse-click route.
In Microsoft Word, using the Ctrl and the F2 key together(Ctrl + F2) will display the print preview window.
F2 can also be used to access the BIOS when restarting yourcomputer on some makes and models.
The F3 Key – The Searcher
In most programs, tapping the F3 key will bring up thatprograms search window. Try it in a web browser, and then you can search fortext on the page you’re viewing.
Once you’ve searched for something, often tapping the F3 keyagain will find you the next instance of the search term. To find the nextplace it occurs, tap F3. To find the next place after that, tap F3, and so on.
The F4 Key – Address and Closer
If you’re using Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer, youcan tap F4 to open or close the address bar. That can be useful for quicklygoing to recently accessed locations. The bar will open a drop-down showing youthe most recently accessed items. Use your up and down arrow keys to select alocation and tap enter to go there. No mouse necessary.
Alt + F4 is the quickest way to close a window or program. This can be handy when you need to shut down your computer quickly but safely.
The F5 Key – Refreshing
In web browsers, Windows Explorer, and a host of otherprograms and utilities, you can tap the F5 button to refresh the screen. In aweb browser, that means it will reload the page.
Why would you want to refresh the screen in Windows Exploreror other programs? What’s on the screen and what the computer is doing don’talways match. By tapping F5 to refresh, you force the program you’re in to getand display the newest information. Systems Administrators might use this whilemonitoring server activity for example.
Most Microsoft Office apps will display the Go To dialogwhen F5 is tapped. This can help you navigate through your work quickly. PowerPoint is the exception, where F5 can be used to start the slideshow.
The F6 Key – Cycle Around
In any program, there are places that you can select withthe cursor. By tapping the F6 key, you can quickly move the cursor through allthe places that it can select. For example, in the Chrome browser, tapping F6will move the cursor focus to the address bar. Tapping it again moves it to thefirst tab. Tapping it one more time moves it to the first bookmark in yourbookmark bar.
Again, this is where moving around the screen with akeystroke is far easier and quicker than reaching for the mouse.
The F7 Key – Check Yourself
Microsoft Office and other text-editing programs are wherethe F7 key shines. In Microsoft Word, tap F7 and you’ll open the program’sspelling and grammar checker. Use Shift+F7 and you’ll open the thesaurus. InWord, the thesaurus will show you alternatives for whatever word you haveselected.
Outside of that, mostprograms don’t do anything when you tap the F7 key.
The F8 Key – Be Safe
In older versions of Windows, tapping F8 when starting yourcomputer will allow you to boot in to Safe Mode. That’s a mode of Windows thatruns only the most necessary Windows services, making troubleshooting problemseasier.
In Microsoft Word, tapping F8 extends your text selection.Tap it once to select the whole word. Tap it again to select the wholesentence. Once more selects the whole paragraph, and a final tap will selectthe whole document.
The F9 Key – Clear and Calculating
If you have a Microsoft Word document with fillable fields,or tables with formulas, tapping F9 will update the field. Using Ctrl+A thentapping F9 will update all the fields.
In Microsoft Excel, F9 will convert cell references intoplain values. Shift+F9 will force a recalculation of the worksheet you’reusing. Ctrl+Alt+F9 will force a recalculation of all open workbooks. You mightnot want to use that too often as it can really bog down your computer.
The F10 Key – Ribbons and Menus
In the Microsoft Office, tapping F10 manipulates the ribbon.The ribbon being the place where all the tools like selecting fonts orinserting images live. Tapping F10 can activate access keys for ribbon items.If you work with the ribbon hidden, F10 will reveal the ribbon and activate accesskeys.
The F11 Key – See it All
Used mostly in web browsers and video players, the F11 keywill put the program into full screen mode. This is most useful when watchingvideos in VLC or on YouTube. Tap F11 again and it will bring the program out offull screen.
The F12 Key – Save As
F12, the final function key, is used mostly in MicrosoftOffice. If you want to save your document, workbook, or slideshow with adifferent name or to a different location, tap F12 to bring up the Save Asdialog.
Ctrl+F12 will start the Open File dialog. So, if you’reworking along and decide you need to open another workbook or document, useCtrl+F12 to quickly get it.
Shift+F12 will save the document you’re currently workingon. You’re likely already used to using Ctrl+S to do that, though.
All the Functions
Since the function keys can be programmed to do just aboutanything, this isn’t an exhaustive list of what they can do. If you usespecialized software like Adobe’s Creative Suite or an enterprise resourceplanning (ERP) application at work, investigate the help files to see whatfunction keys might help you with. Who knows? It might just make your life abit easier.
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